My dear brothers and sisters,
In the reflection “Allowing the Motherly Heart of God to dwell in our midst” which I shared with you at the end of September last year I offered you some quotations from Father’s speeches where he refers to God as Heavenly Mother:
For example, on March 27, 1990 he said: “Originally, when Adam reached perfection, the Heavenly Father would be perfected, and when Eve reached perfection, theHeavenly Mother would be perfected. Hence, if they become the lord and lady of the family, the kingship of the family-level heavenly kingdom would have arisen. Thus, Adam and Eve were to become king and queen on the level of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world.”
Eve was destined to reach perfection, manifesting the same heart as our Heavenly Mother just as Adam was supposed to become God’s substantial self, embodying fully the heart of our Heavenly Father. This task, which was not achieved in the Garden of Eden, was not fulfilled in the days of Jesus. Now at this time of the arrival of the Lord of the Second Advent the perfection of True Mother was also not reached during Father’s lifetime so that he had to speak about his Marriage Blessing on the completion level as a future event in the final years of his life on earth. As I have offered you all the relevant quotations from Father’s speeches in this respect I do not need to repeat myself here.
In line with Father telling us that when “Adam reached perfection, the Heavenly Father would be perfected,” it is obvious that True Father could tell us a lot about Heavenly Father because he lived up to the standard of being God’s substantial Self as the masculine manifestation or representation of the Word.
Unfortunately, Mother has not succeeded to reach maturity during Father’s lifetime so that in his late eighties he had to encourage his wife to perfect herself as he did on May 11, 2007 during Hoondokwhe in the Palace: “Mother must now perfect herself by June 16, 2013.” Even in his nineties Father had to speak of his Marriage Blessing from God as an event in the future. I have shared with you several reflections based on Father’s own words in connection with this tragic reality.
Considering these very sad facts it is obvious that in a situation where the person chosen to represent Heavenly Mother in substance as the wife of the Lord of the Second Advent does not live up to Heaven’s expectations to show in reality the Heart of an unconditionally loving mother with an all-embracing heart there is no visible representative to express in an exemplary way the Motherly Love of God. Accordingly we have heard so little in our Movement about Mother God because Hak Ja Han who was destined to share a lot centred on the Heart of our Heavenly Mother has not done well in reaching personal maturity in due time in respect to inheriting the Love of God by representing Her female aspects in front of the world and witnessing to these precious qualities in word and deed.
True Father is not alone the Messiah but as a couple True Parents were supposed to reveal deep contents of God’s fatherly as well as motherly Heart. Whereas Father has fulfilled his responsibility in this respect we have heard very little about Heavenly Mother from the mouth of Hak Ja Han who was entrusted with the task to be the first embody the Holy Spirit which brought Pentecost to the early Christians by inspiring Unificationists, especially Blessed mothers to let the light of God’s Motherly Heart shine brightly for all people to see by being shining examples of giving completely from the depths of the soul and giving again and again until all people are fully resurrected to walk the path of True Love.
The example of True Father alone is certainly not enough to bring about complete restoration during the days of Christ’s Second Coming. Considering all these aspects it is clear why the Marriage of the Lamb has such great significance because it is the starting point of God’s feminine qualities to be known fully to the world for the sake of complete revival and healing in this world.
On January 1, 1977 Father explained: “When you go to the spirit world, you will see that there is not only the Heavenly Father but the Heavenly Mother. Can a living being come to exist without both a mother and father? Just like that mother and father, behind Adam and Eve you can find God, who has been divided and then united as one. That is why the way to heaven comes through the mother as well as the father.
If this ideal had come to pass, who would have been the central figure in the spirit world, the kingdom of heaven in heaven? When your mother and father, who lived here in substantial form, went to the next world, they would have become the king and queen of the eternal kingdom of heaven.”
What can we learn from Father telling us about our Heavenly Mother is that she is ‘perfected’ through Eve or God’s true daughter reaching maturity. Father has told us on various occasions that God is also growing through the relationship between humankind and our Creator who made us in His image so that the most mutual benefit can be achieved with men expressing the masculine and women the feminine aspects of our Heavenly Parent.
When we examine the religious literature published during the past two or three millennia we can see that the vast majority of them speak about God as a masculine being or entity with major world religions emphasizing God as Lord or Father with mankind being in the position of servants or children. We can find only relative few references to God as our Mother who loves us dearly as Her beloved sons and daughters. That Heavenly Mother is caring for us with unending Love should be obvious for every Unificationist, but in reality such an awareness is greatly lacking in the hearts and minds of our members.
A few weeks before his ascension Father pointed out on July 16, 2012: “There have been many religions which believed in Heavenly Father but don't have a concept of Heavenly Mother. That has been a shameful fact. We haven't had ‘mother.’ People have said ‘Heavenly Father,’ but who can fix the problems among religions and restore the authority of the country?”
It is clear that the answer to Father’s question is: the all-embracing Heart of Mother God, manifested in the matured motherly heart of women who have learned to love in a completely selfless way. This unconditionally loving motherly Heart is the key to bringing true unification and heartfelt reconciliation on every level.
In the original Divine Principle book, Wolli Wonbon, which Father wrote, we read: “Throughout human history we have related to God only as our Father and not as our Mother. We have not even thought about why God had to become the Father and not the Mother. Further, we have not even considered that the fundamental meaning of God as our Parent – our Father and Mother. How can we even fathom the bitterness of God?”
Should we not take this statement written in the early nineteen fifties by True Father to heart and realize that there is indeed much Han in the Heart of our Heavenly Parent due to mankind being widely ignorant about the feminine side of God? We have not been raised to believe in God as our Father as well as Mother and this has caused deep grief to Mother God who longs to be present in the hearts of Her children with the same awareness as people of God refer to the Creator as a masculine being.
At the time of Hoon Dok Hwe at the Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo Father said on September 22, 2011: “In Christianity, they call God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, but where is God the Mother? How can the son come out without mother? Through religion, by finding mother and having a marriage of heaven and earth, one can love the world.”
Through this and many other quotations from Father’s speeches we are reminded of the central importance of the position of Mother, both in God as our Parent as well as in women as God’s daughters, as it is also referred to in Father’s speeches like the one given on January 25, 2000: “How will everything be connected to theHeavenly Parent and the True Parents? All the family members are divided and scattered. Families in that condition have to be brought into unity, and for that they must unite with the mother. This is the course of restoration. The sons and daughters must become one with the mother and then one with the father. Thereafter they are to be connected to the Lord of the Second Advent, the True Parents. After that connection is made, the question is how to restore everything.
Restoration happens when father and mother and sons and daughters become one. Then God will be present. That is where the kingdom of heaven on earth begins.”
Where do we have such a situation that parents and children are one? It will probably exist in one or the other Blessed family, but unfortunately this does not apply to the True Family. For this reason Father had to say on January 24, 2012, "Until now there was no True Family of True Parents.”
This very sad situation can only be changed if we take it to heart that Father has actually asked us on that day to raise up his children and their families. For this purpose it is certainly the investment from the hearts of Blessed mothers who have learned to love in a completely selfless way what is most needed at this time. We do live in the Era of Women but it can only bear fruits if God’s daughters come to the forefront and testify in front of the world not only about God as our Father but also and especially about Mother God.
In order to do so first of all sisters in our Movement need to strive to deepen their relationship with Heavenly Mother. For the sake of supporting this important task I am sharing at this time many messages from the Heart of Mother God as a source of inspiration for all of us to strengthen a heart-to-heart connection with God as our Parent who has indeed masculine and feminine characteristics which are to be expressed in men and women who have matured to represent the substantial self of God as our Father and Mother.
It is up to you and me to leave narrow concepts behind which focus only on God as our Heavenly Father and welcome a harmonized view of our Creator which equally welcomes Father God as well as Mother God as our Eternal Parent. The issue is not an external one as to whether we address God as Heavenly Father or as Heavenly Parent or any other name, but what kind of internal content our relationship with our Ultimate Origin comprises.
May we all widen our hearts to equally welcome both masculine as well as feminine expressions of our Eternal Parent who longs that each one of us finds deepest happiness in developing our potential to the fullest as son or daughter who manifests God’s masculine or feminine characteristics more fully than it has ever been achieved in history.
To do this is our common challenge which we are called to face with a willing heart and mind of being eager to grow in our ability to love in a God-like way. I wish that we all gladly invest for this very purpose as Unificationists who have learned to relate to God as a unified being of masculinity and femininity, representing the fatherly and motherly qualities respectively to the best of our abilities.
Sincerely yours,